The Paluxy Baptist Association is seeking an Associational Mission Strategist (DOM) to provide leadership to our family of churches in Hood and surrounding counties. Responsibilities of this position include planning, coordinating, promoting, and implementing the association's vision of serving churches in the areas of church health, church revitalization, evangelism, outreach, group life, and missions; actively participating in the ministries of the association and its churches; collaborating with and supporting state/national denominational organizations; providing day-to-day administrative leadership for the association and its employees and other tasks described in the AMS/DOM job description. The ideal candidate will have at least 10 years of ministry experience, a minimum of a Master's Degree from a Southern Baptist (or like-minded) seminary, and will agree to do ministry in alignment with beliefs stated in the Baptist Faith & Message (2000). Salary/Benefits commensurate with experience.
Job Description
Please upload/mail your resume by March 31st, 2023.
Mail to:
Paluxy Baptist Association
1844 Acton Hwy
Granbury, TX 76049
Brazos River Baptist is seeking a Pastor.
Please send resume to PO Box 1726, Granbury, TX 76048.
First Baptist Church Thorp Spring is looking for:
Bi-Vocational Pastor, part-time position.
Phone 817-573-3339 or email resume to
Music Minister, part-time position.
Email resumes to
Ministry Assistant, part-time position.
Office hours: 4 hour per day @ 3 days per week; $15 per hour; basic computer skills required; knowledge of "Realm" accounting system a plus but not required; supply references; must pass background check.
Email resume:
Church is located at 2815 Lipan Hwy, Granbury, TX 76048.
Resumes may be sent to the Paluxy office at:
Paluxy Baptist Association
1844 Acton Hwy.
Granbury TX 76049
Churches seeking staff, please fill out the online form or contact the Association Office.
Online FormPastors wanting to be added to the Pastors Supply list, fill out the online form or contact the Association Office.
Online Form